Large Dried Flower Bouquet


A beautiful everlasting bouquet in a large size, including dried flowers and grasses that is meant to last for a very long time. Consisting of a mix of locally dried grasses and flowers from my studio, and imported beauties from The Netherlands.

Dried flowers last up to 1 or 2 years when taken care of properly. Please don’t put them in direct sunlight or the colours may fade.

The pot or vase is not included.

When adding this item to your shopping cart, please mention your color of preference for your bouquet.

Order at least 24 hours before your ideal delivery time in Marrakech, and 3 working days before delivery elsewhere in Morocco.

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A beautiful everlasting bouquet in a large size, including dried flowers and grasses that is meant to last for a very long time. Consisting of a mix of locally dried grasses and flowers from my studio, and imported beauties from The Netherlands.

Dried flowers last up to 1 or 2 years when taken care of properly. Please don’t put them in direct sunlight or the colours may fade.

The pot or vase is not included.

When adding this item to your shopping cart, please mention your color of preference for your bouquet.

Order at least 24 hours before your ideal delivery time in Marrakech, and 3 working days before delivery elsewhere in Morocco.

A beautiful everlasting bouquet in a large size, including dried flowers and grasses that is meant to last for a very long time. Consisting of a mix of locally dried grasses and flowers from my studio, and imported beauties from The Netherlands.

Dried flowers last up to 1 or 2 years when taken care of properly. Please don’t put them in direct sunlight or the colours may fade.

The pot or vase is not included.

When adding this item to your shopping cart, please mention your color of preference for your bouquet.

Order at least 24 hours before your ideal delivery time in Marrakech, and 3 working days before delivery elsewhere in Morocco.